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Food Plot Seeds
Showing 1 - 21 of 21
Alfalfa Plot Perfomance Additive 1 lb
BioLogic Plot Performance Alfalfa Additive

Biologic’s Alfalfa blend is pre-inoculated with new technology that increases the shelf life of Rhizobium (the bacteria that allows legumes to create nitrogen).
$12.99 / ea.
Biologic Deer Radish 2lb 1/4 Acre
Biologic Deer Radish is a blend of two different varieties of radishes and a small percentage of New Zealand Brassica and can be planted by itself or added to BioLogic seed blends to further increase attraction. Through our research we’ve determined BioLogic’s DEER-RADISH’s are among some of the most attractive food plots available. Whitetails love the highly nutritious forage and the long, sweet, nutrient packed roots making this plant 100% consumable. BioLogic’s DEER-RADISH creates one of the most attractive food plots available.
$19.99 / ea.
Biologic Green Patch Plus 10 lb 1/4 Acre
Biologic Green Patch Plus is a fall planting that combines the proven attractiveness of transitional grains with the nutrition and attraction of genuine New Zealand brassicas and clovers. The result is an economical forage blend that establishes quickly and provides an irresistible food plot from germination through the end of hunting season. Green Patch Plus will deliver scientifically proven performance in large food plots.
Temporarily out of stock
$16.99 / ea.
Biologic Green Patch Plus 20lb 1/2 Acre
Biologic Green Patch Plus is a fall planting that combines the proven attractiveness of transitional grains with the nutrition and attraction of genuine New Zealand brassicas and clovers. The result is an economical forage blend that establishes quickly and provides an irresistible food plot from germination through the end of hunting season. Green Patch Plus will deliver scientifically proven performance in large food plots.
$32.99 / ea.
Blind Spot - 2 lb 1/8 Acre
BioLogic Blind Spot helps hunters conceal ground blinds and duck blinds by providing natural concealing foliage. BLIND SPOT will grow 5-7 feet tall and can establish even during dry summer conditions. Plant BLIND SPOT where you anticipate placing blinds and the cover will be there when hunting season arrives. Can also be planted in strips to create cover barriers to reduce visibility of food plots from roads and create cover to encourage deer movement towards your stands.

After maturity, BLIND SPOT also drops seed that waterfowl, turkey, and upland birds love. Proven to work, BLIND SPOT will help you take the hunt to the game!
$16.99 / ea.
Chicory Plot Performance Additive 1 lb
BioLogic Plot Performance Chicory Additive allows any clover or typical “green-field” plot to include the great nutritional quality and persistence of BioLogic’s chicory cultivars! Works extremely well in dry areas. Chicory is also a great source of protein ranging any where from 25%-30%.
$13.99 / ea.
Clover Plus Chicory - 9 lb 1 Acre
Few plants are more effective at attracting whitetail and turkey than clover. Use Clover Plus — a perennial blend of our New Zealand Red and White clovers with our extremely successful varieties of chicory — and you turn that attraction into an obsession. Our New Zealand clover has been genetically developed to produce larger, more succulent leaves and thinner stems for higher nutritional value and improved digestibility. The chicory provides appealing forage during critical months of whitetail growth and development. Both clover and chicory are extremely hardy and drought-resistant, yielding consistent production through the hot months of summer. It’s a combination of high nutrition, delicious taste and robust growth that deer can’t resist and nature can’t beat.
Temporarily out of stock
$64.99 / ea.
Final Forage 3 lb 1/3 Acre
Have you ever needed a blend that would be attractive early in archery season but also still providing food in the latest part of the gun season? BioLogic’s Final Forage was designed to do just that. Final Forage combines varieties that deer love early in the fall, as well as cold tolerant tops and bulbs that are still available when the snow begins to fall. Final Forage is a unique mix of radish, rape, and turnip varieties that have been the backbone of numerous other BioLogic products. Ideal for plots tucked away in the timber or inside corners of agriculture fields, Final Forage can produce massive amounts of forage that will provide food late into the season.
$24.99 / ea.
Game Changer Forage Soybeans - 50 lbs 1 Acre
Game Changer Forage Soybeans are glyphosate tolerant soybeans with good height, great stress tolerance, and an excellent disease package. High protein forage is ideal for providing nutrition for antler, body weight, and fawn growth. Game Changer soybeans are suitable for most all soil types and is also an indeterminate growth type. This bean keeps growing under adverse conditions ensuring a successful, clean plot with glyphosate-resistant weed control.
Temporarily out of stock
$79.99 / ea.
Hot Spot No Till Seed 5 lb 1/4 Acre
Remote stands often provide the best opportunity for spotting mature bucks — and the worst location for a food plot. Without the ability to utilize machine cultivators or heavy amounts of soil additives, establishing a planting off the beaten trail can be challenging at best. The solution is BioLogic Hot Spot — a scientifically selected blend of wheat, deer radish, rye, and rape--designed to be fast-germinating, extremely attractive to deer and incredibly easy to plant. No soil-tilling is required; simply clear the ground and apply the seed. Ideal for planting near treestands and in woodland clearings — and for luring pressured bucks that shun high traffic locations.
$18.99 / ea.
New Zealand Endurance Radish 4 Lb 1/2 Acre
BioLogic's exclusive New Zealand Endurance Radish is a new generation radish cultivar capable of growing extremely browse tolerant and nutrient dense forage with advanced regrowth and cold tolerance over traditional radishes.
Temporarily out of stock
$59.99 / ea.
New Zealand Maximum 2.25 lb 1/4 Acre
New Zealand Maximum is one of our most popular cultivars, and for good reason. When it comes to yield, attractiveness and nutritional value, Maximum is the absolute best annual forage available to hunters and land managers. Made of 100% New Zealand brassicas, the plant species in this blend mature at different rates to ensure highly palatable forage for the entire life of the plot, particularly after the first frost, when sugars flow from the roots to the leaves. Maximum was originally developed by the New Zealand venison industry to promote rapid weight gain, optimum deer health and massive antler growth. Producing anywhere from 10-15 tons of forage production per acre.
$23.99 / ea.
New Zealand Maximum 9 lb 1 Acre
New Zealand Maximum is one of our most popular cultivars, and for good reason. When it comes to yield, attractiveness and nutritional value, Maximum is the absolute best annual forage available to hunters and land managers. Made of 100% New Zealand brassicas, the plant species in this blend mature at different rates to ensure highly palatable forage for the entire life of the plot, particularly after the first frost, when sugars flow from the roots to the leaves. Maximum was originally developed by the New Zealand venison industry to promote rapid weight gain, optimum deer health and massive antler growth. Producing anywhere from 10-15 tons of forage production per acre.
$61.99 / ea.
Non-Typical Clover 2 lb 1/4 Acre
Fast establishing and aggressive large leaf white clover
Superior cold tolerance and proven palatability
Extremely durable and browse tolerant with a 3-5 year life span
There’s no denying the powerful attraction of clover for hungry whitetails and wild turkeys! After years of research we have finally developed one of the easiest to grow, most nutritious, clover blends on the market. BioLogic’s Non Typical Clover ™, is our exclusive large leaf white clover variety available only from Mossy Oak BioLogic. This clover planting has been extensively tested and chosen for its proven durability, nutrition, and attraction. Recent field trials have shown that Non Typical Clover ™ has a track record of quick stand establishment, aggressive stolon (stem) growth, heavy forage output, and long term stand persistence. Non Typical Clover can perform for 3-5 years with proper management including mowing, fertilization according to soil test, and weed control with herbicides.
Temporarily out of stock
$22.99 / ea.
Non-Typical Clover 8 lb 1 Acre
Fast establishing and aggressive large leaf white clover
Superior cold tolerance and proven palatability
Extremely durable and browse tolerant with a 3-5 year life span
There’s no denying the powerful attraction of clover for hungry whitetails and wild turkeys! After years of research we have finally developed one of the easiest to grow, most nutritious, clover blends on the market. BioLogic’s Non Typical Clover ™, is our exclusive large leaf white clover variety available only from Mossy Oak BioLogic. This clover planting has been extensively tested and chosen for its proven durability, nutrition, and attraction. Recent field trials have shown that Non Typical Clover ™ has a track record of quick stand establishment, aggressive stolon (stem) growth, heavy forage output, and long term stand persistence. Non Typical Clover can perform for 3-5 years with proper management including mowing, fertilization according to soil test, and weed control with herbicides.
Temporarily out of stock
$69.99 / ea.
Outfitters Blend 22.5 lb 1/2 Acre
Whether you’re a professional outfitter or a hunter who’s passionate about whitetail season, one thing is clear — failure is not an option. Outfitter’s Blend — created with input from leading field guides — ensures your food plots will get the job done. This new fall blend features a selected mix of Austrian winter peas, brassicas, clovers, wheat and oats for maximum attractiveness and palatability. It’s formulated to establish quickly, provide ample nutrition, pull in game and keep them concentrated. Whether it’s your job oryour hunt that’s on the line, Outfitter’s Blend will deliver, from early germination through the end of the latest hunting season.
Temporarily out of stock
$33.99 / ea.
Premium Perennial 2.25 lb - 1/4 Acre
When to Plant In the south, plant Premium Perennial in early fall, as soon as soil moisture is sufficient for seed germination. Spring planting isn’t recommended; frequent summer drought conditions could limit root growth.
$19.99 / ea.
Premium Perennial 9 lb - 1 Acre
When to Plant In the south, plant Premium Perennial in early fall, as soon as soil moisture is sufficient for seed germination. Spring planting isn’t recommended; frequent summer drought conditions could limit root growth.
$61.99 / ea.
Quick-Sow Deer Plot 10 Lb 1/2 Acre
BioLogic Quick Sow Deer Plot™ is an easy to plant, proven blend of BioLogic's cool season annuals. These quick germinating cultivars grow extremely attractive and nutritious forage throughout the fall and winter with adequate moisture and fertility. An excellent planting for areas not accessible for traditional tillage, Quick Sow Deer Plot can be over-seeded onto areas of minimal soil disturbance creating food plots in sites that are harder to reach yet offer great hunting opportunities. Quick Sow Deer Plot also performs great in tilled or disced plots and is ideal for early and mid-season hunting plots.
$24.99 / ea.
Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets 2.25 lb 1/4 Acre
Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets is a great diverse food plot offering, inspired by the proven success of our late season brassica bulbs. The sugar beets are browsed early and the brassica bulbs powered by the 'green top' bulb (the highest preferred bulb we've tested) making this a plot attractive early, but a strong late season food source as well. Not all brassicas make bulbs, but this blend guarantees plenty of bulbs plus it has the added attraction of sugar beets.
$26.99 / ea.
Showing 1 - 21 of 21